Professor Provocateur
EmissarySaboteurMaster AssassinInfiltrator

Nicole Hunter [neural-net account]

Dossier #2445-535 by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Alias: Nicole Hunter
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Professor Provocateur
Specialization: Intelligence
Department: Intelligence and Subterfuge
Status: Inactive
Joined: 819-01-19 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 175 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 41, born 791 A.S.

Personal Background

Born on planet Manhattan, from the earliest years subject showed all symptoms of a prodigy. Subject received classical education at prestigious Marchall College, as well as private lessons of ballet, Jiu-jitsu, history of art and piano. Subject's parents belonged to the upper echelons of Manhattan's society. Father Mark was a renowned member of New Democratic Party, while mother Cecilia was a director of a local division of Cryer's Pharmaceuticals. After graduating college at age of 16 subject decided to pursue career in science at Manhattan Institute of Technology. At age 21 subject defended MA thesis devoted to non-linear adaptive programming. After graduation she was recruited by Ageira head hunter. In the meantime, she started PhD studies in the field of cognitive sciences and at the age of 24 defended dissertation exploring idea of use of adaptive programming in organic interfaces.

During seven years in Ageira the subject proved to be valuable and resourceful employee. For three years subject worked as a junior scientist at the Department of Weaponry Research and Development at Pueblo Station. After successful defense of her dissertation, subject was promoted to a senior scientist. One year later, subject was given position of a department director at Hamilton Station. Her team of scientists and engineers worked on numerous projects varying from standard weaponry optimization projects to development of multi-tier artificial intelligence systems. It was impossible to predict the disaster that occurred three years later.

Two months before the incident subject was assigned as a deputy scientist to the top secret project on alternative power sources at Pueblo Station. Subject's task was to oversee development of a user interface for an organic power source. During the initial tests several engineers became infested with a contagion that caused extreme paranoia and aggression. Twelve Ageira employees were killed and seven badly injured. According to the head scientists, subject either showed extreme incompetence or deliberately sabotaged her work, which led to breach of security protocols and in the result to the infestation of several Ageira's employees. While the subject was in detention, the power cell suddenly discharged causing temporary blackout throughout the base, during which both the subject and the object of studies disappeared.

Known Crimes

Suspected murder of at least two Ageira employees, destruction of expensive corporate property, theft of valuable corporate assets, sabotage and espionage.

Underground Activity

Currently Nicole Hunter is a Lane Hacker specializing in infiltration and corporate espionage. Thanks to her versatile education background and vast knowledge knowledge of security systems she quickly became renowned among the Hackers for her outstanding programming and cryptographic skills. It is rumored that both modern Mactan and Spyglass Networks are of her own design. Being extremely ambitious and ruthless she quickly rose to a leadership position in the Lane Hackers. Her long term efforts in building relations with various criminal groups, most notably the Outcasts and the Golden Chrysanthemums were crowned by the erection of the Orange Treaty. While maintaining extensive network of contacts and personal factotums she made herself a reputation of one of the most respected and influential criminals in the underground world of Sirius.

Threat Assessment

  • The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
  • The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
  • The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.


All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate at all costs the subject after eliminating all its electronic warfare systems in order to avoid a hostile takeover. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.

  • 825-05-28 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from AD|, Amalfi Directorate (Low priority)
  • 825-05-05 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Hansa|, The Hansa (Low priority)
  • 825-04-29 AS, Unofficial Ceasefire Treaty with Harry Weber from [SIS]-, Secret Intelligence Service (High priority)
  • 825-04-22 AS, Communication Channel with Amber Lane from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 825-04-07 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari from NC-, National Council (Low priority)
  • 825-04-05 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt / Leviathan / Endurance from A/)-, Battlegroup Auxesia (Low priority)
  • 825-03-31 AS, Alliance Declaration - Direct Channel with Alise von Ravensberg, Sofia Zelinsky, Solomon Weiss from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
  • 825-03-18 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (Low priority)
  • 825-03-14 AS, Communication Channel with Sakurai Augus from BD|, Blood Dragons (Low priority)
  • 825-02-24 AS, Misunderstanding with Jennifer Haze with Jennifer Haze from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 825-02-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from GC-, Gen'an Chrysanthemums (Low priority)
  • 825-02-21 AS, Defilers with faction representatives from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 825-02-21 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Blood Dragons, independent (Low priority)
  • 825-02-03 AS, Communication Channel with Solomon Weiss from UN|, Unioners (Low priority)
  • 825-01-24 AS, Communication Channel with Kijima Hisayuki from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
  • 825-01-18 AS, Communication Channel with Tanya von Degurechaff from DWR|, Die Weiße Rose (Medium priority)
  • 825-01-16 AS, Communication Channel with Gabriella de la Zerda from 72nd|, 72nd Maltese Fleet (High priority)
  • 825-01-16 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari from NC-, National Council (High priority)
  • 825-01-03 AS, Communication Channel with Jared Nomak from (C~, The Commune (Low priority)
  • 824-12-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from N/A, Orange Alliance (High priority)  
  • 824-12-23 AS, Communication Channel with Set Ramizer from BLC|, Black Lotus Cartel (High priority)
  • 824-12-04 AS, Communication Channel with Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)  
  • 824-12-04 AS, Communication Channel with Erika Keller from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)  
  • 824-10-08 AS, Communication Channel with Cash Ivankov from JM|, Junker Marauders (High priority)  
  • 824-09-23 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 824-08-24 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Alphonse Fischer from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
  • 824-08-17 AS, Communication Channel with Howard Tanner from Liberty Rogues, independent (Low priority)
  • 824-08-15 AS, Ceasefire Treaty with Michael Richard from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
  • 824-08-14 AS, Communication Channel with The Red Dawn from Junkers, independent (Low priority)
  • 824-07-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
  • 824-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Sascha Lattke from UN|, Unioners (High priority)  
  • 824-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)  
  • 824-06-05 AS, Alliance Declaration - Direct Channel with Allison Hunter, Athena Thompson, Jade Linford, Justin Waldhar, Lena Smith, Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel, Yann Blackwings from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
  • 824-05-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Light from (C~, The Commune (Low priority)
  • 824-04-29 AS, Communication Channel with Trevor "Uncle Willy" Williams from /_\, Alcatraz Rogues (High priority)
  • 824-04-26 AS, Communication Channel with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (Medium priority)
  • 824-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Andre Rise, Jack Light, Jared Nomak from (C~, The Commune (High priority)  
  • 824-04-05 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Armin Jansen from UN|, Unioners (High priority)  
  • 824-03-13 AS, Communication Channel with Anna Heinrich, Dáinsleif from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
  • 824-03-10 AS, Communication Channel with Hank from PLR:, Padua Liberty Rogues (Medium priority)
  • 824-02-13 AS, Direct Channel with Geoffrey Enfield from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
  • 824-02-05 AS, Communication Channel with Sarah O'Riley from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)  
  • 823-12-07 AS, Communication Channel with Marietta Mercante from NC-, National Council (High priority)
  • 823-11-28 AS, Communication Channel with Tutashkia from Outcasts, independent (Medium priority)
  • 823-11-09 AS, Communication Channel with Johnathan Deez from Junkers, independent (Low priority)
  • 823-10-03 AS, Communication Channel with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)  
  • 823-09-24 AS, Communication Channel with James McTavish from NC-, National Council (High priority)
  • 822-08-19 AS, Communication Channel with Antonio Bloodrose from (@), Bloodrose Syndicate (Low priority)
  • 822-08-19 AS, Intel on Roussillon with Izek-Fernando Armando from |+|, Crimson Cross (High priority)
  • 822-08-06 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Munen Musou from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
  • 822-06-11 AS, Communication Channel with Pierre LaFlamme from [C], Council (High priority)  
  • 822-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Hana Ken from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
  • 822-05-30 AS, A Date with Missiles with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 822-05-05 AS, Communication Channel with Alisoun "Athena Elegantiae" from Lane Hackers, independent (High priority)
  • 822-04-07 AS, Communication Channel with Antoine La'Biere from [UC], Unione Corse (High priority)  
  • 822-03-23 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Kelsey Norton from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)  
  • 822-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with Steve from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
  • 822-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Andy from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)  
  • 822-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Kaplan from [Y], Y Group (Low priority)
  • 822-02-19 AS, Communication Channel with Gypsie Skripto from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
  • 822-02-07 AS, To the BDM Puppet Master with Geoffrey Enfield, Volker Koch from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
  • 822-02-02 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Flora from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)  
  • 821-12-12 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from PLR:, Padua Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Amber Lane, Mort from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Moka, Siren Stone, Tori from PLR:, Padua Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Valente Rossi from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
  • 821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Luke Orsini-Contari, Mansel Alcantra from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
  • 821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Antonio Delfino, Izek-Fernando Armando, Mirren Tamley from |+|, Crimson Cross (High priority)
  • 821-10-02 AS, Communication Channel with Amber Lane from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 821-09-28 AS, Communication Channel with Blodwyn O'Driscoll from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)  
  • 821-09-27 AS, Communication Channel with Drago Celestino from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
  • 821-08-24 AS, Communication Channel with Valente Rossi from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
  • 821-08-21 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Mancini from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
  • 821-08-11 AS, Communication Channel with Rohj Teerin from [LN], Liberty Navy (Low priority)
  • 821-08-08 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 821-08-05 AS, Communication Channel with Erin Flynn, Sadhbh McCool from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
  • 821-08-05 AS, Communication Channel with Amber Lane, Clyde Johnson from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)  
  • 821-08-02 AS, Communication Channel with Kurumi Saeki from Lane Hackers, independent (High priority)
  • 821-08-01 AS, Communication Channel with Elio Lopez from (__, Campania Cartel (High priority)
  • 821-04-30 AS, Communication Channel with Spoiled Reaver from .Reaver, Reaver Mercenary Company (Low priority)
  • 821-04-09 AS, Communication Channel with Timothy Hawk from Freelancers, independent (High priority)  
  • 821-03-20 AS, Communication Channel with Kurumi Saeki from Lane Hackers, independent (High priority)
  • 821-03-09 AS, Communication Channel with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
  • 821-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Timothy Hawk from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 821-02-01 AS, Communication Channel with Ryan Bishop from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (High priority)
  • 821-01-28 AS, Communication Channel with Kayo Chiba from [|], Black Dragon Society (High priority)  
  • 821-01-14 AS, Communication Channel with Sarah McFarlen from VWA|, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee (High priority)
  • 820-12-23 AS, Communication Channel with John Holliday from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
  • 820-12-09 AS, Communication Channel with George Masters from JM|, Junker Marauders (High priority)
  • 820-12-08 AS, Communication Channel with Perseus Friend from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (High priority)  
  • 820-11-28 AS, Communication Channel with Luke Orsini-Contari from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)  
  • 820-11-24 AS, Airdrie - Corsica Direct Channel with Kelly-087, Valente Rossi from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)  
  • 820-11-06 AS, Communication Channel with Emilia Zito from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
  • 820-11-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
  • 820-11-06 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Michael Edridge from AT), Ageira Corporate Headquarters (Medium priority)
  • 820-11-04 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Pablo Tavares from [RoS], Reapers of Sirius (Low priority)
  • 820-10-31 AS, Communication Channel with Mansel Alcantra from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
  • 820-10-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)  
  • 820-09-14 AS, Communication Channel with Bassam Hussaini, Jared Nomak from SR), Samarran Raiders (Medium priority)
  • 820-09-07 AS, Communication Channel with Emilia Zito, Estefania Casta from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
  • 820-09-07 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Harold Kane, Victor Delacroix from VR-, Vagrant Raiders (High priority)
  • 820-09-05 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Leo Oscar from .Flare, Crimson Flares (Low priority)  
  • 820-08-26 AS, Communication Channel with Erich Stoltenberg from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
  • 820-08-10 AS, Communication Channel with Richard Cole from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
  • 820-08-03 AS, Communication Channel with Agatha, Davids from 141|, Task Force 141 (High priority)
  • 820-07-13 AS, Communication Channel with George Richard Hall, Mike Havering from BAF|, Bretonia Armed Forces (Low priority)
  • 820-07-07 AS, Communication Channel with James Trenton from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
  • 820-06-25 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with Harold Kane from VR-, Vagrant Raiders (High priority)
  • 820-05-26 AS, Communication Bursts ( ) with La Veuve Noire from [UC], Unione Corse (Low priority)
  • 820-05-23 AS, Communication Channel with Elise Pennybrooke from [SYN], Onyx Syndicate (Low priority)
  • 820-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Roxanne from [*O], Orbitals (Medium priority)
  • 820-04-08 AS, Communication Channel with Keiko Matsumado from [GC], Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)  
  • 820-03-30 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Crow from .:j:., Junkers Congress (Low priority)
  • 820-02-12 AS, Communication Channel with Lia Yakama from VP), Valdorian Pirates (Low priority)
  • 820-01-28 AS, Communication Channel with Tyr Cromwell from SR), Samarran Raiders (High priority)
  • 820-01-13 AS, Communication Channel with Kai Siegfried from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
  • 819-12-31 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 819-11-26 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 819-11-24 AS, Communication Channel with Sonya "Rinkhals" Mosby from XA-, Xeno Alliance (High priority)
  • 819-11-23 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
  • 819-11-07 AS, Communication Channel with Zechs Marquise from [UC], Unione Corse (High priority)
  • 819-11-04 AS, Communication Channel with Koshi Inaba from Platinum|, Platinum Incorporated (Low priority)
  • 819-10-06 AS, Communication Channel with Martino Perez from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
  • 819-10-01 AS, Communication Channel with Thomas Fouquat from GRP|, Gallic Royal Police (High priority)  
  • 819-09-22 AS, Communication Channel with Saskia Brooks from Freelancers, independent (High priority)  
  • 819-09-10 AS, Communication Channel with Alfred Steinberg from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 819-09-06 AS, Alliance Declaration Channel with Aine Moore from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
  • 819-08-30 AS, Communication Channel with Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)  
  • 819-08-29 AS, Communication Channel with Aine Moore from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
  • 819-08-22 AS, Communication Channel with Kazuo Akechi from ]bd[, Blood Dragons (High priority)  
  • 819-08-08 AS, Communication Channel with Bazard from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
  • 819-08-08 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Crow from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)  
  • 819-05-25 AS, Communication Channel with Christina Robinson from [LN], Liberty Navy (Low priority)
  • 819-05-17 AS, Communication Channel with Moka, Ruby from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)  
  • 819-05-16 AS, Communication Channel with Thomas Aquintas (ThreeWinds) from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
  • 819-05-08 AS, Communication Channel with Johnathan Toledo from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (Low priority)
  • 819-04-24 AS, Communication Channel with John Doe from DSE), Deep Space Engineering (Low priority)
  • 819-04-17 AS, Communication Channel with Joe Hernandez from [IND], Independent Neuralnet Division (High priority)  
  • 819-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Itagaki Dato, Ryuu Noboru from ]bd[, Blood Dragons (High priority)  
  • 819-04-12 AS, Communication Channel with Anna Brown from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (High priority)  
  • 819-03-27 AS, Communication Channel with Macsen from VE-, Virulian Enclave (Low priority)
  • 819-03-25 AS, Communication Channel with Capella, Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)  
  • 819-03-13 AS, Communication Channel with Kai Siegfried from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)  
  • 819-03-06 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Mancini from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)  
  • 819-02-17 AS, Communication Channel with Amaya Tanaka, Sakura Ainoh from [GC], Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)
  • 819-02-13 AS, Communication Channel with Alan Markson, Dane Kinnaird from [HF], Hellfire Legion (High priority)  
  • 819-02-09 AS, Communication Channel with Ryuu Noboru from ]bd[, Blood Dragons (High priority)
  • 819-01-27 AS, Communication Channel with Ishtar Zsun, Liam from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
