Personal Background
Code word Grubozaboyschikov. Several suspects have been identified leading to this identification phrase. It is suspected that all but one are false targets as the suspect has been reported using different IP addresses and locations to hack into their targets. The main suspect is [DATA CORRUPTED], though not enough evidence has been gathered to confirm or has gone missing due to attacks from Grubozaboyschikov, known only know after the data has vanished.
The main suspect was born and raised on Planet Denver and completed her high school schooling. She attended classes in computer engineering at the local university, though records show she did not attend all of her classes but only ones related more to coding. Her grades showed outstanding performance despite her attendance record.
The residence of the main suspect was tracked down after a successful attempt to infiltrate the Ageira database by Grubozaboyschikov. Specialized SWAT teams were dispatched to the area but found only the remains of what was there, including hard-drives, software, and other computer software with most of the data lost. From the small evidence recovered from the site, some evidence has been found of virus programing, traces of hacking into private networks, as well as hacking into the school's and universities databases and changing grades. Parental gardeins of the main suspect know nothing of Grubozaboyschikov and say the main suspect was repairing computers at the time and had to leave to a friends house. The main suspect has since then not returned home and has vanished.
Known Crimes
6 Accounts of Breaking and entering. 1 account of Corruption.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking into the Agerian Technology's database and attempting to retrieve classified data.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking into public school board net.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking private addresses and intercoms of individuals.
• Breaking and entering + Corruption: Development and release of dangerous/harmful viruses.
• Breaking and entering: Hacking other corporation worker's private information and exposing it.
• Breaking and entering: Leaking of private information and images to the public net.
Threat Assessment
- The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Liberty Police properties and personnel.
- The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Liberty Police security protocols and Neural-net assets.
- The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Liberty Police image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to
capture or terminate the subject
using standard operational techniques and procedures.
If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
- 824-06-05 AS,
Alliance Declaration - Direct Channel
Allison Hunter, Athena Thompson, Jade Linford, Justin Waldhar, Lena Smith, Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel, Yann Blackwings
H|-, Battlegroup Harmony
(High priority)
- 824-05-01 AS,
Communication Channel
faction representatives
Order|, The Order
(High priority)
- 824-04-28 AS,
Communication Channel
Avery Reeves
N/A, Agency 404
(High priority)
- 824-04-12 AS,
Communication Channel
Minami Mi
GC|, Golden Chrysanthemums
(High priority)
- 824-01-21 AS,
Communication Channel
Helmut Weinstein
[ALG], ALG Waste Disposal
(High priority)
- 824-01-04 AS,
Communication Channel
Michał Golański
Order|, The Order
(High priority)
- 823-12-20 AS,
Communication Channel
Sapphire Raven / Revenant, Tacitus
A/)-, Battlegroup Auxesia
(High priority)
- 823-12-19 AS,
Communication Channel
Aimi Amaia
GC|, Golden Chrysanthemums
(High priority)
- 823-12-19 AS,
Communication Channel
Cristina Martelli, Ileana Martelli
NC-, National Council
(High priority)
- 823-12-16 AS,
Communication Channel
Otis Jethro
[IND], Independent Neuralnet Division
(High priority)
- 823-12-13 AS,
Communication Channel
Minami Mi
GC|, Golden Chrysanthemums
(High priority)
- 823-12-10 AS,
Communication Channel
.:j:., Junkers Congress
(Medium priority)
- 823-11-27 AS,
Communication Channel
Matthias Clarke
GG-, Gaian Guard
(High priority)
- 823-06-16 AS,
Communication Channel
Enma Loyola
NC-, National Council
(High priority)
- 823-01-05 AS,
Communication Channel
Alonso Rosario
|+|, Crimson Cross
(High priority)
- 822-12-29 AS,
Communication Channel
Anthony Hall
Ageira~, Ageira Innovations
(High priority)
- 824-02-22 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 824-01-17 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 823-12-22 AS,
Internal Announcement:
Promotion Announcements and a few words for the New Year
- 823-12-21 AS,
Internal Report:
Promotion criteria
- 823-12-21 AS,
Internal Report:
Promotion criteria
- 823-12-17 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 823-12-16 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 823-11-28 AS,
Mission Report:
Mission 50 Phase 2: Sabotage Jumpgate Repairs
- 823-11-26 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 822-08-16 AS,
Operation Report:
Grubozaboyschikov report on Gaian Guard.
- 822-06-21 AS,
Personal Dossier:
Grubozaboyschikov's Personal Dossier
- 822-06-03 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 822-03-26 AS,
Mission Report:
Mission 37 Phase 1: Humiliate Independent Neuralnet Division
- 822-03-26 AS,
Mission Report:
Mission 37 Phase 2: Humiliate Independent Neuralnet Division
- 822-03-26 AS,
Mission Report:
Mission 37 Phase 3: Humiliate Independent Neuralnet Division
- 822-03-02 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 822-02-24 AS,
Internal Report:
Regular operations report
- 822-01-13 AS,
Recruitment Application:
Grubozaboyschikov's Recruitment Application