Mission Assignments

Mission 11: Report misuse of Lane Hacker technology

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Mission reports: 824-05-28 AS by Operative #JAW-113, 828-03-29 AS by Shell, 829-12-29 AS by Liz Krest
Investigate and record encounters with ships that employ Lane Hacker technology while not squawking Lane Hacker IFF and ID codes at the same time. Records of said vessels operating contrary to our goals are of high priority.

Mission 31: Obtain Ageira White Boxes

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Mission reports: 823-09-18 AS by Chang, 823-12-11 AS by Huracan, 825-05-07 AS by Felicity Willing, 830-01-17 AS by Raphael Drake
For decades Ageira Technologies is desperately trying to upgrade their hardware in order to prevent us from hacking into the neuralnet and the creation of our founders, the Universal Ship Identification system (USI). It is thus pivotal for the whole future of the Lane Hackers to obtain White Boxes containing newly manufactured Jump Gate, Trade Lane and Docking Ring parts of their illegally restricted technology and research them for any changes and upgrades. Repossess at least two hundred Ageira White Boxes from corporate transports and deliver them for inspection and examination to our stations. Provide visual confirmation of hostile transport interception, extortion and successful delivery.

Mission 33: Investigate new branches of organizations

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Investigate emerging branches of organizations that are relevant to our operations. Main priority should be put on hostile organizations that are a combat threat or corporate entities for extortion possibilities. Record their transponder and identification to be added to our Spyglass Network Scanner. Collect information on their goals, assets and logistics. Performing mania interrogation is highly encouraged. Consult a Lane Hacker Professor once you have gathered your intel and publish it in the mission archives after approval.

Mission 40: Intercept and secure EFL Blue Packs

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Mission report: 825-05-26 AS by Guy Thackeray
In sharp contrast to Sirian Houses, the Kingdom of Gallia is exploiting different technology on the construction and operation of Trade Lanes and Jump Gates. It is thus extremely important to obtain some samples of those components and analyze the technology used if we ever want to infiltrate their network. Unsurprisingly, the transportation of these parts is highly regulated like Ageira does in Liberty. Subsequently you are to repossess at least two hundred EFL Blue Packs and secure them by delivering the recovered cargo to our stations. Submit a report containing relevant visual footage including - vessel identification and proof of cargo repossession and successful delivery.

Mission 62: Collect intelligence on fringe Maltese organisations

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Mission report: 825-04-21 AS by Maria Freudenstein
It is no secret that Maltese society, due to its plutocratic nature, has always been divided into heterogenous parts. The currently dominant one is comprised of the National Council and its subsidiary families, however, there are other organizations which enjoy at least a certain extend of sway; the Maltese Exiles, the 72nd Fleet, and the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz. Prepare up-to-date dossier on one of Outcast lesser groups.

Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 100 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Mission reports: 824-12-11 AS by Operative #SPO-118, 825-04-18 AS by Felicity Willing, 825-04-22 AS by Operative #JSP-129, 825-06-20 AS by Maximillian Largo, 825-07-07 AS by Vladimir Scorpius, 826-03-25 AS by Maximillian Largo, 826-04-13 AS by Mildred Wolfe, 826-04-14 AS by Irma Bunt, 826-05-17 AS by Maria Freudenstein, 826-06-03 AS by Maria Freudenstein, 826-06-04 AS by Shell, 827-05-24 AS by Raphael Drake, 827-05-26 AS by Operative #KVO-158, 829-12-26 AS by Goldfinger, 829-12-27 AS by Liz Krest, 830-02-16 AS by Olivier Cesari
Modular outposts are popular around Sirius. Due to their nature and opportunities presented, the Lane Hackers deem it necessary to investigate every station within our zone of operations with due diligence and precision. Particular emphasis should be placed to modular stations placed in strategically important locations. Locate and identify a remote modular base within our zone of operation. Map the location, uncover the suppliers of the station and test out security clearances without provoking.

Mission 80: Investigate new Ageira or Interspace stations as well as any JG/TL projects

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 100 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Locate and collect intel on new Ageira or Interspace stations as well as any Jump Gate or Trade Lane construction projects (including EFL). Use any means necessary to obtain information about the location and purpose of such bases or projects. Consult a Lane Hacker Professor once you have gathered your intel and publish it in the mission archives after approval.

Mission 81: Sell Counterfeit Software to an individual

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Mission report: 830-02-16 AS by Olivier Cesari
The Lane Hackers produce the finest Counterfeit Software in Sirius. Some individuals are not yet aware of this fact. You are required to convince (coercion is not allowed) an individual that our Counterfeit Software is the best and sell at least twenty (20) units of Counterfeit Software in person while flying within our zone of operations.

Mission 1: Investigate use of Nomad Technology

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 817-04-30 AS by Technician #TRI-066, 818-02-03 AS by Rosa Klebb, 818-06-07 AS by Francisco Scaramanga, 818-06-28 AS by Nikolai Diavolo, 819-08-12 AS by Technician #BRO-070
Recent reports have brought to our attention mysterious and troubling developments occurring in the Omega systems relating to the Nomads. All Technicians are to investigate the use of any Nomad technology by vessels traveling through Liberty space. Provide scans and a report in this archive documenting your findings. All other Lane Hackers are also instructed to report the use of Nomad technology in Liberty space.

Mission 2: Investigate secret LSF hideout

Mission level: Mixed
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
We have received intelligence reports of a series of new Liberty Security Force installations in a recently discovered star system. Indications are that this new system can be reached from the Oita System. This mission will consist of multiple phases, each of which may be accomplished one time by one Technician. After the completion of each phase, the next phase will become available. The first Technician to complete any phase should alert a Lane Hacker Professor before publishing a report.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 816-11-28 AS by Renard Zokas
Recon the Oita system and report the location of any access point into unexplored systems that may be utilized by the LSF's nefarious schemes. The report should include images and a tactical report on any hostilities or opposition encountered during the mission (from LSF or anyone else).

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 816-11-30 AS by Sanguinetti
Conduct reconnaissance of Sectors 3 through 5 of the newly discovered Ellesmere system. Report all contacts, installations, and activities discovered.

Phase 3, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 816-12-04 AS by Technician #MKR-069
Conduct reconnaissance of Sectors 6 through 8 of the newly discovered Ellesmere system. Report all contacts, installations, and activities discovered.

Phase 4, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-04-21 AS by Nicole Hunter
Having discovered the nest of Little Squeaky Fiends in Ellesmere, we must now turn our attention to ferreting out their plans. To that end, an LSF agent must be interrogated to determine the nature of the activities at Eureka Research Station.

Mission 3: Investigate Liquid Cardamine

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 817-08-27 AS by Technician #MWH-068
Some time ago a Lane Hacker retrieved an unknown substance from a corporate flunky's destruction. The substance was brought aboard the Lane Hacker Research and Development Vessel and preliminary spectral analysis has determined that the substance consists of cardamine in a liquefied form. Further analysis is necessary to investigate the origins, manufacture, properties, uses, and potential of this liquid cardamine. This mission may include authorization to travel to Planet Malta for research purposes. Technicians will be required to undertake such travel in a specially outfitted research vessel. Technicians intending to study the substance and submit a report of their findings are instructed to contact Professor Moriarty privately for further instructions.

Mission 4: Reconnoiter Kansas system

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Reconnoiter the Kansas system, and provide a report on all stellar phenomenon, resources, and encounters.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 817-01-09 AS by Aristotle Kristatos
Sectors 1 through 4.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 817-01-09 AS by Aristotle Kristatos
Sectors 5 through 8.

Mission 5: Reconnoiter Kusari activity in Tau Sector

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 817-02-02 AS by Sanguinetti, 817-02-21 AS by Sanguinetti
Reconnoiter Kusari activity in the Tau systems and Bretonia. Collect data on combat force composition, pilot skills, and Kusari objectives. If possible, mania-interrogate any Kusari military personnel encountered. Capital ship Intel acquisition is a priority.

Mission 6: Reconnoiter Corsair activity

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 817-01-18 AS by Sanguinetti, 817-06-09 AS by Boris Grishenko, 817-06-18 AS by Paco Pistols, 819-02-03 AS by Krimmler
Reconnoiter Corsair activity in the Cambridge system. Collect data on combat force composition, pilot skills, and Corsair objectives. If possible, mania-interrogate any Corsairs. Capital ship Intel acquisition is a priority

Mission 7: Secure fuel and ship parts

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 817-02-12 AS by Technician #MWH-067, 817-06-12 AS by Eric Knox
Seize and secure 1,000 tonnes each of H-Fuel, ship hull panels and engine components. Mission credit will be given for participating in seizures with other Lane Hackers. Technicians are not required to complete this alone, but should log the results of their efforts.

Mission 8: Reconnoiter Virginia system

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Reconnoiter the Virginia system. Log all contacts and installations. Provide analysis of defensive capabilities and potential vulnerabilities.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase reports: 817-04-26 AS by Technician #TRI-066, 819-01-23 AS by Nicole Hunter
Sectors A-D

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 819-01-23 AS by Nicole Hunter
Sectors E-H

Mission 9: Investigate the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
After a recent attack on several of our operatives at Freeport 4 the possible importance of the activities of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army has been brought to our attention. This mission will consist of multiple phases, each of which may be accomplished one time by one Technician. After the completion of each phase, the next phase will become available. The first Technician to complete any phase should alert a Lane Hacker Professor before publishing a report.

Phase 1, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 817-07-04 AS by Elektra King
The Sirius Coalition has been tracked to the Omega systems, find the primary location of the Coalition in the Omegas using one of the following methods: interrogation, bribery or tracking SCRA ships back to their home system.

Phase 2, Advanced, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 817-08-13 AS by Milton Krest, 817-12-18 AS by Trainee #DDR-064
Gather intelligence on two or more Coalition ships, specifically weapons, equipment, ship classes and statistics. At least one of these ships should be a gunboat class vessel or larger.

Phase 3, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 818-01-12 AS by Highwayman
Now that we know about the whereabouts and capabilities of the Sirius Coalition we must find out more about them. Investigate the origins, objectives and motives of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

Mission 10: Secure resources for upcoming expedition

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Aborted
In order to prepare for an upcoming expedition, the Fu Manchu will be retrofitted with a artificial intelligence control system that will be capable of operating via remote command without a human crew on board. This retrofit will enable this highly dangerous expedition to be carried out with minimal risk of Hacker lives. All of the following materials should be seized from corporate philanderers, not purchased. Phases 1-5 may be completed in any order.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Aborted
Secure 1000 bioneural processors

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 818-03-18 AS by Murik
Secure 1000 robotic components

Phase 3, Standard, Single, Aborted
Secure 1000 nanocapacitors

Phase 4, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 818-04-03 AS by Technician #RAK-063
Secure 10 quantum multiplexors

Phase 5, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 817-11-29 AS by Brutus Clay, 818-04-23 AS by Dominic Greene
Investigate and analyze any AI encountered in Liberty and report any relevant data that may improve our AI design. Combat AI's, especially those installed in capital class vessels, are priority targets.

Phase 6, Standard, Secret Single, Aborted
Complete preparations for the launch of Fu Manchu.

Mission 12: Acquire intelligence on Nomads from the Order

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 818-05-10 AS by Brutus Clay
Travel to Omicrons to meet the Order and to conduct diplomatic negotiations regarding information on the Nomads.

Mission 13: Investigate Wilde activity in Kusari

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 818-05-10 AS by Paco Pistols
Investigate Wilde activity in Kusari. Gather as much intelligence as possible.

Mission 14: Conduct espionage of primary trading companies

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Following the collapse of the rich gold fields of Dublin, the professorship has noticed a very slight tightening in our wallets, as our nefarious, ingenious methods for obtaining credits now no longer include relieving corporate hoodlums of their valuable gold ore. This change in the Dublin system also means that they have moved from hauling ore, to hauling commodities. The mission itself will consist of the Technician finding a transport, and verifying his cargo and purchase point. He then will tail the transport to his sell point. Make sure to get captures of sell point, cargo, ship name, ID, IFF and purchase point. Do not extort the transport, as this can interfere with the mission. This is an information-gathering mission, not a credit-earner. Each phase of the mission will take place against a specific thorn-in-our-backside. Phases may be completed in any order. Do your best to avoid attracting unwelcome attention. It is permitted to arrange outside assistance to cooperate in the completion of this mission. Lane Hackers may leave Liberty to complete this mission, although targets should be originally acquired in Liberty space. Don't do anything stupid if you leave Liberty. Like getting yourself killed.

Phase 1, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-03-18 AS by Vladimir Scorpius
Stalk and report on an [IND] tagged transport.

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-09-21 AS by Trigger
Shadow and report on an Ageira| tagged transport.

Phase 3, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 818-06-24 AS by Goro Yoshida
Reconnoiter and report on an IC| tagged transport.

Mission 15: Supply Red Hessian construction project

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 818-06-13 AS by Brutus Clay, 818-06-15 AS by Emilio Largo, 818-06-15 AS by Paco Pistols
In order to support a Red Hessian construction project, secure and deliver the following to Freital Base in Omega 11: 2,000 units of Bio-neural Processors, 2,500 units of Quantum Multi-plexors and 2,500 units of Optronics. Document delivery to Freital Base and transmit to this channel for payment.

Mission 16: Research codename weaponry market

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
The Lane Hacker Research & Development Division has expressed an interest in Codename Weaponry, more specifically the weapons dealers of Sirius. In order to acquire as much information possible about codename weaponry this mission will consist of two phases.

Phase 1, Advanced, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 818-06-24 AS by Goro Yoshida, 818-06-28 AS by Nikolai Diavolo, 818-10-26 AS by Nikolai Diavolo
Provide detailed scans of an weapons dealer's ship (data scans must include: ship type, callsign, location, date and time spotted, cargo).

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 818-06-28 AS by Nikolai Diavolo
Mania-Interrogate a weapons dealer, try to acquire information such as weapons locations and weapons suppliers.

Mission 17: Operation Midnight

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
When given the key word, decipher the coded instructions and execute them immediately. Deciphering is available midway down the neural net page: BJJGNBMSGFY OQLDGGN BK M VAH SL HQGGOLQS XB BK SAG LJBDQLK NGFSM RYRSGJ. UOLK MQQBVMF, NLDE MKN MWMBS HUQSAGQ BKRSQUDSBLKR.

Mission 18: Collect data on trade shipments

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 819-03-17 AS by Nicole Hunter
Collect data on trade shipments in Liberty. Conduct your investigation using a LH~ tagged ship with LH ID and IFF. You will need to collect data for one hour in each of these systems: Texas, Colorado, California. If you are interrupted during your mission, you may continue later. You are not required to spend one hour all at once in each system, but at least an hour total in each system. Position yourself near a major trade lane in each system: - between Denver and the New York jump gate - between Mojave and the New York jump gate; - between Houston and the New York jump gate or between Houston and the Bering jump gate. Scan each freighter and transport that passes by. Record their cargo type and the amount of cargo. If they are carrying more than one type of cargo, you only need to record cargo that is in large amounts. You may ignore fighters and capital ships. Do not pirate or otherwise attract attention. Do not engage lawfuls if you encounter any. This is a data collection mission only. Your report should break out your data by system and ship.

Mission 19: Reestablish contact with The Order

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 819-03-17 AS by Nikolai Diavolo
Collect intelligence on the ongoing Omicron conflict and the happenings in Omicron Minor, as well as make contact with the Order High Command with the goal of establishing a relationship and a possible alliance.

Mission 20: Collect data on component bases in Liberty

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 819-08-15 AS by Nicole Hunter
Collect data on various bases in Liberty. Contact Junkers and Liberty Rogues in order to determine the status of any base projects that they have undertaken in Liberty. Contact Bazard base near Mactan and find out its status, as well as determine the status of Umbris complex in Inverness. We want to know primarily how any of these bases can benefit us, primarily what commodities could they buy from us and what could we buy from them. We also want to know about what types of equipment they might be able to produce for us.

Mission 21: Conduct espionage of Liberty prisons

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
We have received intelligence reports of several heavily guarded prisons in Liberty, where many prominent victims of the oppressive establishment are held. Reconnoiter each system of the listed below, log all contacts and installations and locate the prison facilities. Additionally, provide an analysis of their defensive capabilities and propose a possible extraction operation.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase reports: 819-11-15 AS by Orlov, 819-11-16 AS by Orlov

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-07-31 AS by Mr White

Mission 22: Reconnoiter Alabama system

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Ever since the Hellfire Legion decided to make from Xenos their new pet, they become more and more bold in their operations. Reconnoiter the Alabama system in order to assess Xenos military potential. Log all contacts and installations. Provide analysis of defensive capabilities and potential vulnerabilities. Maintain a low profile during the mission and avoid any contact with the Hellfire Legion.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-03-26 AS by Oddjob
Sectors A-D.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-03-26 AS by Oddjob
Sectors E-H.

Mission 23: Secure resources for Airdrie Hideout expansion

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
In order to improve our Research & Development capabilities, Airdrie Hideout will be expanded by building a laboratory module capable of proper research in xenotechnology. Support the construction efforts by securing materials listed below. All of the following materials should be seized from corporate lackeys, including low profile transport, or purchased from our allies or friends. Cooperation with friendly Junkers is advised. Document both acquisition and delivery of goods to Airdrie Hideout. Use of freighters is advised.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-11-28 AS by Trigger
Secure 250 metric units of each basic alloys, industrial materials, polymers and super alloys for construction of laboratory module's exterior.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-03-10 AS by Operative #GOL-071
Secure 125 metric units of each nano-capacitors, optronics, robotic components and superconductors for construction of laboratory equipment.

Phase 3, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-08-09 AS by Operative #BRO-062
Secure 50 haz-mat canisters, 50 bio-neural processors and 10 nomad remains for research and development of the power cell interface.

Mission 24: Steal nomad weaponry

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 819-09-29 AS by Raoul Silva
Recently we have acquired information about a vulnerable cache of prototype weapons located near a Wilde base in the deep Omicrons. Head to Omicron Iota, infiltrate the Wilde base, locate the weapon cache and stole all prototype weapons. Maintain a low profile during the mission and avoid any contact with the Order. Acquired weapons transfer to the R&D department. Be advised that it a mission of the highest risk.

Mission 25: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Recently we have noticed increased activity of AI vessels in the Omicron region linked to the emergence of an entity called Artificial Intelligence Consensus. Travel to the Omicron region in order to investigate it. Use Meskhenet Station in Omicron Zeta as your base of operations. Until phase 3 maintain low profile and secrecy.

Phase 1, Special, Single, Completed, Phase reports: 820-07-08 AS by Nicole Hunter, 820-09-07 AS by Nicole Hunter
Investigate size, organizational structure, behavioural patterns and technology employed by the Consensus.

Phase 2, Special, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-09-07 AS by Nicole Hunter
Asses security level and existing safeguards of the AI Consensus by attempting to hack their units and plant trojans and other viruses.

Phase 3, Special, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-09-07 AS by Nicole Hunter
Prepare and execute operation aimed to capture or disable and then retrieve AI Consensus vessel.

Mission 26: Conduct smuggling operations

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Due to recent disturbances within the Maltese society our primary source of Cardamine became endangered. The Professorship has decided to increase our smuggling operations to rebuild our stockpiles and gather more funds. Organize a convoy consisting at least of two ships including at least one transport and provide visual confirmation of your deliveries.

Phase 1, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 820-12-16 AS by Julius No, 821-08-30 AS by Rak, 821-10-05 AS by Operative #JGO-025, 822-01-04 AS by Nick Nack
Counterfeit Software to Planet Malta, then Cardamine to Cochrane Depot.

Phase 2, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase report: 820-10-14 AS by Trigger
Counterfeit Software to Freital Base, then Blood Diamonds to Padua Base.

Mission 27: Investigate Wilde activity in Bretonia and Kusari

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Aborted
Recently we have noticed increased activity of the Wild in Bretonia and Kusari, coupled with the reemergence of a group called Aoi Iseijin. Investigate activity of the Nomad infected in these regions and gather as much intelligence as possible. Maintain a low profile during the mission and avoid any direct combat. Be advised that it a mission of the highest risk. Do not get yourself killed or worse! Consult reports from Mission 1 and 13 before starting.

Phase 1, Advanced, Repetitive, Completed, Phase report: 824-07-09 AS by Maria Freudenstein
Investigate Wild activity in the Bretonia-Liberty corridor.

Phase 2, Advanced, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 825-01-04 AS by Blackfriar, 825-01-19 AS by Adrian Malprave
Investigate Aoi Iseijin activity in the Kusari-Liberty corridor.

Phase 3, Advanced, Single, Aborted
Prepare and execute capture of a living Wilde specimen.

Mission 28: Research shifts in jumphole network

Mission level: Mixed
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Increased electromagnetic activity observed in recent months has caused major shifts in the jumphole network. Scout following sectors and provide report analysis of gathered readings.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-11-12 AS by Lee Fu-Chu
Investigate sector G3 in California, F4 in Kansas and F3 in Texas. Compare results with report from Mission 8.

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-11-23 AS by Lee Fu-Chu
Investigate and analyse movements of Liberty Navy in order to locate all entries to Virginia and infiltrate the system in order to establish any changes in the base infrastructure there.

Mission 29: Gather intelligence on GRN presence in Bretonia

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Ever since Gallic Royal Navy pushed Bretonian Armed Forces out of Leeds, their fleets are being often spotted in Magellan, dangerously close to Mactan Base. In order to fully asses the danger investigate Gallic Royal Navy presense in Magellan and Leeds.

Phase 1, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-11-24 AS by Vladimir Scorpius
Gather and analyse intel on at least 4 different Gallic Navy vessels including at least one primary fleet ship.

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 820-11-29 AS by Vladimir Scorpius
Interrogate officer of primary fleet and discover Gallic Royal Forces long term strategies and goals.

Mission 30: Collect data on currently used shields

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 821-03-31 AS by Trigger
In order to optimize our shield generators we need to know what type of weaponry is most commonly used in Liberty. Perform 25 scans of unique combat fighter contacts belonging to our enemies within our active zone of operations and record system of encounter, ship affiliation, weapon type and technology it is based on. No visual confirmation is required. Upon collection of entire data calculate global statistics, analyze it and propose optimization procedure for our fleet.

Mission 32: Distribute Counterfeit Software

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Counterfeit Software is one of major income sources for the Lane Hackers. No other unlawful organization has the expertise to hack into the neuralnet and collect data. We distribute this software both to our allies in Liberty but also to our business partners in every corner of Sirius. Your mission is to support those smuggling operations.

Phase 1, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 821-07-02 AS by Operative #UCA-073, 823-01-05 AS by Maria Freudenstein
Transport at least 500 units to Allentown Base, Beaumont Base, Rochester Base and Thunder Bay Depot each.

Phase 2, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 822-05-24 AS by Wolfgang Weisen, 823-01-06 AS by Maria Freudenstein
Transport at least 500 units to Alcatraz Depot, Niverton Base, Montezuma Base and Buffalo Base each.

Phase 3, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 823-08-31 AS by Chang, 823-09-06 AS by Operative #MED-091, 824-10-14 AS by Blackfriar
Transport at least 500 units to two of the following locations: Belfast Production Facility, Boulogne Base, Ecommoy Base, Planet Malta, Vogtland Base.

Mission 34: Reestablish contact with Blood Dragons

Mission level: Mixed
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Following the fall of the Rising Sons of Kusari we have received unconfirmed signals about new Blood Dragon factions emerging. Travel to Kusari and investigate rumors about any new Blood Dragon organization. Maintain low profile during this mission. While in Kusari act in deference to any encountered Blood Dragons. Avoid any confrontation with Kusari Naval Forces and Kusari State Police.

Phase 1, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-09-24 AS by Irina Sedova
Confirm or deny rumors concerning a new Blood Dragon faction emerging in Kusari.

Phase 2, Special, Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-01-19 AS by Goro Yoshida
Using data gathered in previous phases contact new Blood Dragon leadership and organize a convoy of engine components and other spare parts to Kyoto as well as transfer of recently acquired Hachiman gunship Lost Dragon as a sign of our friendship.

Mission 35: Collect data on currently used weaponry

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 821-04-10 AS by Vladimir Scorpius
In order to optimize our weaponry we need to know what type of shield is most commonly used in Liberty. Perform 35 scans of unique combat fighter contacts belonging to our enemies within our active zone of operations and record system of encounter, ship affiliation, shield type and technology it is based on. No visual confirmation is required. Upon collection of entire data calculate global statistics, analyze it and propose optimization procedure for our fleet.

Mission 36: Confirm alliance between Gaians and GRN

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Recently our assassins noticed Gaians cooperation with Gallic Royal Navy forces occupying Bretionia. While Gaians themselves are not considered a serious threat, their knowledge about the jumphole network and local oddities may prove to be crucial for efficiency of Gallic operations. Investigate rumors about the possible alliance.

Phase 1, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-10-09 AS by Irina Sedova
Contact our allies Mollys and retrieve any possible information regarding the alliance and Gaian current forces.

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 821-10-15 AS by Nicole Hunter
Capture and interrogate Gaian terrorist to confirm or deny rumors about the alliance.

Mission 37: Humiliate Independent Neuralnet Division

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Completed
Recent interceptions of transports belonging to the notorious Independent Neuralnet Division show that they are transporting large amounts of cardamine into Liberty, probably because of the recent rise in the item's demand. This is an excellent chance to deliver a significant blow to the PR of the corporation.

Phase 1, Special, Secret Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-03-26 AS by Grubozaboyschikov
Capture and record video of [IND] transports carrying cardamine in Liberty up to the point where they dock to a lawful port at least twice. You will be given access to ship with a large cloaking device in order to achieve this. Finally, anything related to the Lane Hackers should not be shown on the footage.

Phase 2, Special, Secret Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-03-26 AS by Grubozaboyschikov
Compile all the assembled material into a commercial which would be advertising IND's excellent Cardamine-related services. You may also use older records in order to give more depth to it.

Phase 3, Special, Secret Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-03-26 AS by Grubozaboyschikov
Leak raw materials to relevant parties in order to maximize the blow to Independent Neuralnet Division reputation

Mission 38: Assess state of Liberty forces

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 822-02-09 AS by Vladimir Scorpius
Using any available resources try to capture and interrogate two officers, one Liberty Security Force and one Liberty Navy, and prepare detailed report on current state of these organizations, including current leader, force and morale. Only members of primary fleets and prominent secondary fleet divisions are allowed targets and sources of information. Use of Lane Hacker Assassins is highly encouraged. Use of any other available source of information is crucial. Provide detailed log of your efforts and their outcome.

Mission 39: Extort William Frederick Cody

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Completed
William Frederick Cody, the most famous weapons dealer in Sirius, is selling his extremely valuable wares in one of the most secure locations in Liberty; right next to Baltimore Shipyard and Battleship Missouri. With this mission we will try to achieve the biggest heist in the history of Sirius, an extremely difficult and dangerous undertaking. Upon successful completion, this mission counts as a Standard mission for all the Lane Hackers who participated.

Phase 1, Special, Secret Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-05-24 AS by Goro Yoshida
With little funds at your disposal you have to acquire a 'Bustard' Civilian Carrier with a Jump Drive Mk IV and a workable Cloaking Device installed on it. You should also acquire coordinates via a Hyperspace Scanner MK III of an area inside New York without any uninvolved groups having knowledge about it. Furthermore, organize and brief all non-LH mission participants and finally schedule an appointment with Cody.

Phase 2, Special, Secret Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-05-24 AS by Goro Yoshida
Abduct W.F.Cody using a Civilian Carrier and successfully strip him of all his valuable equipment.

Phase 3, Special, Secret Single, Completed, Phase report: 822-05-24 AS by Goro Yoshida
Mania-interrogate and humiliate W.F.Cody in system frequency before the law enforcement finds you.

Mission 41: Investigate troublesome group of freelancers

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 823-02-09 AS by Operative #MTA-058
A new band of Freelancers has recently begun harassing our slave and Cardamine traffic between Liberty and Omicron Alpha. They appear to be highly organized and focusing on interception of our commerce in Coronado and surrounding systems. They use the common identifier A/). Determine their origins, their purpose in Liberty, and whether they can be persuaded by any means to cease interfering with Lane Hacker interests (find out if cash or cooperation of some kind can buy them off). Combat and provocation is to be avoided. Also determine if they possess any intelligence useful to the Lane Hackers and if they may be willing to sell us their services.

Mission 42: Investigate The Cult of Sirius

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 823-11-02 AS by Goro Yoshida
Appearance of Three Winds in Liberty and Oracle propaganda on the Neural-Net has brought our attention of The Cult. Conduct full investigation of The Cult of Sirius, especially current strength of the movement, its influence, agenda and ties with The Crimson Cross. If possible, try to diminish Oracle influence in Liberty. Use Lane Hacker archive resources and Neural-Net data as debriefing source: propaganda, first contact, second contact, intelligence exchange, additional reports.

Mission 43: Infiltrate The Gaian Guard

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Aborted
Infiltrate the Gaian Guard as an interested sympathizer. Provide complete analysis of the Gaian Guard structure, goals, strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, while climbing the Gaian ranks, initiate missions or create needs to them which will force them to contact us and thus allow us to create some form of cooperation. Long term undercover approach is authorized for the duration of this mission.

Mission 44: Support the Logistics

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
The Lane Hacker Logistics are responsible for the faction's economy and combat-readiness. While our smuggling department is not as large as in other factions, it is nonetheless vital for the faction's survival and stability. It supports our exports, our foreign relations, and it supplies us with essential material. You are instructed to participate in smuggling operations and submit your results.

Phase 1, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 823-10-05 AS by Gustav Graves , 824-10-07 AS by Operative #SPO-118, 825-01-04 AS by Blackfriar, 825-01-04 AS by Guy Thackeray, 825-01-19 AS by Maximillian Largo
Complete one export and one import delivery. Refer to the Smuggling Operations paragraph for a list of eligible smuggling runs.

Phase 2, Standard, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 823-10-05 AS by Gustav Graves , 823-12-03 AS by Huracan
Complete all four inter-Liberty cardamine runs as explained in the Smuggling Operations paragraph.

Mission 45: Conduct reconnaissance of Texas System

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 823-09-08 AS by Le Gérant, 823-09-09 AS by Le Gérant
Provide up-to-date nav map data of the entire Texas system. Special attention should be given in highlighting the radioactive areas, their intensity and feasibility of constructing a base within a Dark Matter cloud. Consult the Lane Hacker Encyclopedia for information about the Texas Incident of 500 A.S. and compare it with the data you collected.

Mission 46: Publish a political article

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 823-09-10 AS by Le Gérant, 823-09-11 AS by Le Gérant, 823-10-07 AS by Le Gérant
The Lane Hacker cause is primarily a political movement. We do not harbor illusions that our limited military capabilities are enough to overthrow the corporate oligarchy and its puppet government. Subsequently, informing and spreading our political message to the populace of Liberty is a crucial part of our agenda. Brainstorm and publish a political article of your choice.

Mission 47: Acquire codename weaponry

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 823-09-10 AS by Nick Nack
The R&D requires more codenames for reverse engineering and further studies. We have purchased a document which reveals the locations of shipwrecks containing various types of codenames. Your mission is to retrieve them in a stealth and surgical manner. Then transfer those codenames to one of our research ships docked in Cochrane Depot. Obtain two of the following Class 6 codenames:

CodenameSystemWreck LocationWreck Name
BLOODSTONESigma 17E6 Upper RightMongoose
ONYXSigma 13C6/F3 Upper LeftOld Imp. Navy Fighter
THOR'S HAMMEROmicron GammaC5 Upper RightVengeance
Obtain two of the following Class 9 codenames:
BLUE BLAZEOmega 11E6 Upper RightBHG Fighter
EXCALIBURDauphineF3 MiddleFlamand
IRON HAMMEROmicron BetaC5 MiddlePathfinder
JADETau 31C5 MiddleKusari Elite Fighter
KINTANODundeeC2 Bottom RightFubuki
RAGNAROKOmega 47B6 Bottom RightHassani
SILVER FIREOmicron AlphaF4 Bottom RightOutcast Fighter
TARANISBurgundyC2 Upper RightSuperbe
Obtain two of the following Class 2 codenames:
ASURASOmicron 85E3 Upper RightNamura Escort Fighter
AHRIMANOmega 49F4 Bottom RightAugust
HELLIONOntarioH6 Middle Left (Torbay)Torbay

Mission 48: Spy on the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Aborted
The death of the VWA leader and LSF's secret agent, Erich Klugmann, has left a power vacuum in the revolutionary organization. Bundschuh may fully develop into a trojan horse in Rheinland working for the interests of the Republic of Liberty or free themselves from Libertonian control. Your mission is to pose as a friendly civilian under the nickname Mr. Nack and infiltrate their organization but under no circumstances join their corruptive ranks. Learn more about the identity of their new leaders, their goals and differences they may have from the previous leadership. Finally, also learn more information about the great death of the snake named Klugmann.

Mission 49: Oversee development of LHX7 bomber and LHX9 gunship

Mission level: Mixed
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
The Lane Hacker Research & Development has developed a new technology named Comatose Hyperstimulation and its first use will be conducted on the development of the LHX7-B5H - our new bomber - and LHX9-G8S - our new gunship. We believe this method pushes the boundaries of human intelligence and mental capabilities as further as never before. By using highest quality of Hypnotainment bands our greatest scientists and designers will fall into a hypnotic trance while simultaneously their bodies will be administered higher than normal amounts of cardamine. During this hyperstimulation, and unrestrained by the physical limitations of our world, they will design our new ships -- the first ship of their kind.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 823-10-01 AS by Wolfgang Weisen
Arrange the delivery of exotic and rare materials which will be used during experimentation and testing of the new ship. High-tech equipment are required in massive quantities for reverse-engineering and research of their technologies.

    • APM Advanced Hardware (multiple deliveries) • Cracking Catalysts • Gadolinium • Holmium • Hypnotainment Bands (multiple deliveries) • Lanthanum • Molybdenum • Nanotubes • Neodymium • Palladium • Tungsten • Ultralloy • Yttrium
Considering Hypnotainment Bands' perishable nature, these deliveries will not be sufficient to last during the entire mission. Finally, you may use money from the faction's treasury in order to fund those deliveries.

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 824-08-27 AS by Operative #VHA-117
Perform final field tests of LHX7-B5H bomber. Include technical specifications, tests logs and performance reports.

Phase 3, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 824-08-27 AS by Operative #VHA-117
Perform final field tests of LHX9-G8S gunship. Include technical specifications, tests logs and performance reports.

Mission 50: Sabotage Jumpgate Repairs

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Successful terrorist attack on the jumpgate between California and New York presents unprecedented opportunities to the Lane Hackers. During short window of operation maximize our gains by taking advantage of new traffic funnels while sabotaging the repair efforts.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed
Perform analysis of traffic funnel points created by the gate shutdown and prepare plans for lock-downs and interceptions.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 823-11-28 AS by Grubozaboyschikov
Perform lock down of found traffic funnels and collect samples of transported repair cargo for possible reverse engineering. Additionally delay repairs of the gate as long as possible and take advantage of new environment by maximizing extortion operations.

Phase 3, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 823-11-26 AS by Chang
Collect samples of toxic gasses found in the vicinity of damaged gate and perform its chemical analysis.

Mission 65: Locate extortion points of interest

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 824-10-01 AS by Adrian Malprave, 824-10-22 AS by Operative #SPO-118
The Professorship has noticed recent fluctuations in the Liberty market and shifts in the mining industry. Locate current extortion points of interest frequented by miners or traders. Devise best tactical scenarios including threat assessment and expected profitability.

Mission 66: Extort and secure valuable resources

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Aborted
Retrieve specified amount of high-value cargo from specified entity and deliver it to selected base for further processing. Document cargo acquisition and delivery. Extort at least 1500 metric units of Silver Ore from miners in Vespucci or at least 2000 metric units of Copper Ore from miners in Kansas and deliver it to Buffalo.

Mission 67: Gather intelligence on Gallic invasion

Mission level: Mixed
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Aborted
The Gallic Invasion has pushed through Magellan and reached California. Skirmishes between Liberty Navy and Royalists happen on a daily basis within the war zone stretching from Leeds to California. The Professorship requires fresh intelligence in order to re-assess their stance towards the invaders.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 826-11-21 AS by Operative #RED-152
Prepare a short recap of all participants of the conflict including separate forces working under same affiliation with information on which side of the conflict they participate.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 825-05-19 AS by Guy Thackeray
Perform unique scans of weapons and loadouts of each of the following vessels: Gallic fighter, Gallic bomber, Gallic gunship, Gallic cruiser, Gallic battleship.

Phase 3, Advanced, Single, Aborted
Interrogate Gallic Navy or Gallic National Intelligence pilot and gather intelligence on their policies concerning Liberty outlaws: Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers, Liberty Insurgency, Xenos.

Mission 68: Assist Blood Dragons with recovery of their battleship

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 825-02-15 AS by Operative #DES-125
In order to strengthen our relations with new the new shogunate the Professorship is willing to support Blood Dragons with technical expertise required to restore Yamato battleship. Meet Blood Dragon emissary and make all necessary preparations for the project.

Mission 69: Gather compromising evidence on Battlegroup Harmony

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Secret Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 825-04-08 AS by Nicole Hunter, 825-04-08 AS by Blackfriar
The Professorship believes that a scenario in which Battlegroup Harmony is developing ties with the Hellfire Legion is possible. Gather compromising evidence on Battlegroup Harmony that could be used in the event of alliance breakdown. Prioritize materials that could put wedge between Harmony and the Legion to prevent further closing of the two factions.

Mission 70: Capture Die Weiße Rose leader

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
The Bundschuh fell in disarray after the betrayal of Erich Klugmann, the leader of Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee. Now they have reorganized again under a sect called Die Weiße Rose. Investigate and gather information about the new group and its leader.

Phase 1, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 825-05-29 AS by Goro Yoshida
Use the Honeytrap technique from the Tactical Principles of Transport Interdiction to lure the Bundschuh leader, Albert Weis, within Lane Hacker operational zone. In addition, manipulate him into boarding a transport and carrying controversial or unethical cargo.

Phase 2, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 825-05-29 AS by Blackfriar
Successfully mania-Interrogate Generaloberst Albert Weis and force him to release sensitive information about his organization. Then steal his entire cargo.

Phase 3, Advanced, Single, Completed, Phase report: 825-06-18 AS by Goro Yoshida
By demonstrating ultimate intellectual superiority over your target, manipulate the leader of Die Weiße Rose leader for a second time to come with a transport and the same cargo within Lane Hacker operational zone. Destroy, purge and shatter his sanity by successfully mania-interrogating him for a second time and for the first time complete not just one but all three ways which qualify for a successful mania-interrogation attempt as described in the Mania-Interrogation Protocol.

Mission 71: Gather information on Zoner Militia

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Aborted
A group of fanatics, self-titled as Zoner Militia are using Carrier Tarrafal in Bering system to stage attacks against the local populace for the purpose of capturing Freeport 2. Your objective is to locate the Zoner Militia's Headquarters and collect detailed information on its defenses and location. Furthermore, assess the militia's current strength by gathering detailed scans of their vessels and by questioning the militants on their motives and long-term goals.

Mission 72: Obtain intelligence on Gallic underworld

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
As a result of Gallia's secluded location our smuggling operations in that House are plagued by lower than average safety and inefficiency. This is further reinforced by hostile relations with most unlawfuls of Gallia. The Professorship has decided to solve this situation by designing new paths for entering this House as well as re-establishing relations with parts of the Gallic underworld.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase reports: 826-05-12 AS by Maria Freudenstein, 826-06-09 AS by Operative #SPO-118
Perform reconnaissance of Lorraine system in accordance with the Technical Manual and present relevant guncam footage in your report.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 827-02-23 AS by Maria Freudenstein
Search the Gallic underworld for any active Brigand group and establish contact with them. Special focus should be given in obtaining information about their operations and motives.

Mission 74: Develop Pecos Settlement

Mission level: Advanced
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Aborted
Following the IMG refusal to Bretonia government's demand to hand Aland Shipyard over to them, the Crayter Republic joined the latter and declared war on IMG despite their close alliance. While the crisis between the two former allies was quickly resolved, Crayter still has many anti-IMG, pro-war officials within the government and naval forces. In order to counter this, after the IMG Guildmaster's approval, the Lane Hackers are preparing to populate a small settlement on Pecos where they will install strong scanner and communication modules which enhanced by the moon's thin atmosphere, will provide IMG with a very good intelligence system and communication with the outside world. However this will also serve the Lane Hackers as we create our first foothold on a planetary object. Tests and research which required lots of space can now be conducted on our new settlement as well as provide a home to Hackers who are feeling uncomfortable living for many years away from the surface. Finally, this moon has deep reserves of deuterium which with the right automation and processing can help alleviate all of Mactan's fuel shortages.

Mission 77: Unlock EFL Network Technology

Mission level: Special
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 826-12-13 AS by Mildred Wolfe
With the Lane Hackers being the only group able to hack into Ageira's trade lanes and access USI (Universal Ship Identification), we gain a critical advantage over any other unlawful organization. However we remain barred from the Gallic network. While the physics and technology of EFL's trade lanes and jump gates are the same with Ageira's, we have been unable thus far to penetrate and hack into the Gallic network. Your mission is to use any asset or tactic at your disposal in order to obtain vital information of the EFL security mechanisms which will lead us into gaining access in the Gallic network. For the purposes of this mission, you may override any restrictions and policies of the Lane Hackers. This is a Professorship-contest mission. Thus you may not want to reveal that you are pursuing this mission. It is expected that multiple senior members of the faction may try to complete is simultaneously. The first who successfully completes the mission becomes the newest Lane Hacker Professor. You may recruit any Lane Hacker to assist you with this mission, however you might be careful with your choices since said Hacker may be working for another candidate.

Mission 79: Reconnoiter Omicron Nu

Mission level: Standard
Mission type: Single
Mission status: Completed
With the creation of a new super-gate comes a fresh frontier in the Omicrons, Omicron Nu. It is already teeming with the Liberty Navy, LSF, and Ageira and DSE weenies. Comprehensively survey the system so that we may determine points of interest for future exploitation. Log all contacts, objects and installations. Subsequently provide analysis of defensive options in the system, items of interest, and vulnerabilities. Avoid detection if possible, and avoid capture at all costs.

Phase 1, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 828-07-23 AS by Shell
Perform reconnaissance of sectors 1 to 4.

Phase 2, Standard, Single, Completed, Phase report: 828-07-23 AS by Shell
Perform reconnaissance of sectors 5 to 8.

Assassin Assignment 61: Deter hostiles

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
With the rise of strength of our enemies we need to make a power demonstration and initiate deterring operations to ease the burden from our regular operatives in the field. Your task is to locate and assassinate two unique combat-ready targets, that were not analysed before, within our ZOI and provide detailed written analysis on their behavior, tactics, equipment and any other relevant information.

Phase 1, Assassin, Repetitive, Completed, Phase reports: 825-05-27 AS by Nicole Hunter, 825-06-24 AS by Vladimir Scorpius, 826-04-20 AS by Mildred Wolfe
[HF], Hellfire Legion

Phase 2, Assassin, Repetitive, Aborted
CR|, Crayter Republic

Phase 3, Assassin, Repetitive, Open, Phase report: 826-04-21 AS by Mildred Wolfe
BHG|, Bounty Hunters Guild

Assassin Assignment 73: Decimate the competition

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Word has it that independent pirates and Outcasts have stepped up their operations in Liberty, leeching off our profits and plundering our targets. Your mission is to stamp out those profiting in Liberty and Independent Worlds by destroying two unique combat-ready targets who have been caught in the act or intent of piracy with rock solid evidence or testimony by official friends of ours. In the case of Outcasts offer them a chance to pay a fine first before demonstrating our legendary hospitality. Make it clear that these elements are not welcome in Liberty. Signatory parties of the Orange Treaty are exempt.

Phase 1, Assassin, Repetitive, Open, Phase report: 826-04-06 AS by Mildred Wolfe
Independent Pirates and Outcasts

Assassin Assignment 75: Continuous evaluation of military threats

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Due to constant turmoil and war our hostiles are both eradicating themselves and hardening their veterans. These veterans are not always at the front lines and might pose threat to Lane Hackers while on patrol duties within our active zone of operations. Your task is to locate and assassinate two unique combat-ready targets, that were not analysed before, within our ZOI and provide detailed written analysis on their behavior, tactics, equipment and any other relevant information.

Phase 1, Assassin, Repetitive, Open, Phase report: 827-04-28 AS by Raphael Drake
[LN], Liberty Navy

Phase 2, Assassin, Repetitive, Open
=LSF=, Liberty Security Force

Phase 3, Assassin, Repetitive, Open
BAF|, Bretonia Armed Forces

Phase 4, Assassin, Repetitive, Completed, Phase report: 826-04-21 AS by Mildred Wolfe
MRG|, La Marine Royale Gauloise

Phase 5, Assassin, Repetitive, Open
[KNF], Kusari Naval Forces

Assassin Assignment 76: Eliminate alien threats

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
While Lane Hackers fight against corporatocracy, we also fight for humanity. With imminent threats from various forms of alien lifeforms, mainly Nomads and Wild, we have to be vigilant in noticing these threats and terminating it to inhibit their existence. Your task is to locate and assassinate two unique combat-ready targets, that were not analysed before, within our ZOI and provide detailed written analysis on their behavior, tactics, equipment and any other relevant information.

Phase 1, Assassin, Repetitive, Open
Nomads and Wild

Assassin Assignment 78: Annihilate hostile mercenaries

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 200 000 SC
Mission status: Open
Being most notorious and infamous criminals we have one of the highest outstanding bounties on our heads. This attracts various opportunistic mercenaries. While we have no trouble taking care of random freelancers going after us, organised groups can raise concern due to their effective use of reinforcements and battle formations. Your task is to locate and assassinate two unique combat-ready targets, that were not analysed before, within our ZOI and provide detailed written analysis on their behavior, tactics, equipment and any other relevant information..

Phase 1, Assassin, Repetitive, Open, Phase report: 826-08-31 AS by Kurt Ambrose
The Sirius Syndicate, TSS|

Assassin Assignment 51: Provide evaluation report

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 5 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 820-08-17 AS by Norman Bates, 820-08-17 AS by Anton Chigurh
The Professorship wants to evaluate Assassins' potential and achieved results since the organization was reformed. Prepare detailed report on completed assassinations and provide brief description of your operations. List all high profile kills and received rewards.

Assassin Assignment 52: Collect Artificial Intelligence Conensus remains

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 30 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 820-09-06 AS by Norman Bates
Due to the fiasco of Mission 25 the Professorship decided to take a more aggressive stance towards Artificial Intelligence Consensus. Head to Omicron region, intercept and disable or destroy 5 vessels belonging to the Consensus. Secure all the wrecks and prepare retrieval. You may use Meskhenet Station in Omicron Zeta as a staging ground. Consult this resource before proceeding. Use of advanced electronic warfare techniques, heavy EMP loads and analog security barrier for this assignment is crucial.

Assassin Assignment 53: Assess Kusari Forces threat levels

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 30 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission report: 821-02-23 AS by Norman Bates
The Professorship wants to re-establish good relations with the Golden Chrysantemums and increase smuggling operations through Kusari space. At the same time increased activity of the Kusari Naval Forces has been noted. Head to Kusari and make 5 assassination attempts of either KNF or KSP forces in order to establish their threat levels. Provide detailed assessment of each target as well as analysis of observed tactics, mobilization times and employed vessels. You may use Ainu as your staging ground. While in Kusari space act in deference to Golden Chrysantemums and Blood Dragons.

Assassin Assignment 54: Locate and assassinate LSF agents

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 10 000 000 SC
Mission status: Aborted
Mission report: 820-09-07 AS by Anton Chigurh
Locate and assassinate two LSF agents listed in this transmission in order to complete arrangement made by the Professorship. This is simple priority assassination assignment. Do not let your targets escape, but do not take unnecessary risks.

Assassin Assignment 55: Assess Liberty Navy threat levels

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 70 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 821-05-14 AS by Norman Bates, 821-05-15 AS by Anton Chigurh, 821-08-16 AS by Tom Ripley
It appears that the significant weakness of Liberty Navy which started after Admiral Hale's retirement has come to an end. The Professorship wants that assessment confirmed by combat. Successfully assassinate five targets belonging to primary fleet of the Liberty Navy. Provide skill and tactics assessment and propose countermeasures for the Lane Hackers.

Assassin Assignment 56: Assess LSF threat levels

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 50 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 821-05-14 AS by Norman Bates, 821-09-09 AS by Tom Ripley, 821-09-10 AS by Mickey Knox, 821-09-12 AS by Travis Bickle
It appears that Liberty Security Force morale has fallen. The Professorship wants that assessment confirmed by combat. Successfully assassinate five targets belonging to primary operatives of the Liberty Security Force. Provide skill and tactics assessment and propose countermeasures for the Lane Hackers.

Assassin Assignment 57: Assess Bretonia Forces threat levels

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 50 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 821-08-12 AS by Anton Chigurh, 821-08-16 AS by Norman Bates, 821-08-16 AS by Tom Ripley
It appears that Bretonia has been significantly weakened due to Gallic War. The Professorship wants that assessment confirmed by combat. Successfully assassinate five targets belonging to primary fleet of the Bretonia Armed Forces or Bretonia Police Authority. Provide skill and tactics assessment and propose countermeasures for the Lane Hackers.

Assassin Assignment 58: Disrupt Faze Mercenaries operations

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 100 000 000 SC
Mission status: Aborted
The Professorship has recognized a growing threat posed by the Faze Mercenaries. While in the beginning their sporadic attacks were only a minor nuisance, currently their active operations within Liberty have forced The Lane Hackers to significantly rise threat level of regular operations. Disrupt combat operations of the Faze Mercenaries whenever possible, perform full tactical assessment of the group including threat levels, available assets, mobilization times and employed strategies. Finally, if possible, capture and interrogate mercenary working for this organization. Coordinate your efforts with other assassins while fulfilling multiple phases of this operation. Maximization of the enemy losses is optional.

Assassin Assignment 59: Assess Gallic Royal Navy threat levels

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 150 000 000 SC
Mission status: Completed
Mission reports: 821-09-20 AS by Norman Bates, 821-11-23 AS by Norman Bates
According to the intercepted intelligence reports from various sources the Gallic Royal Navy is preparing a major offensive on Liberty. The Professorship is deeply concerned with the safety of Mactan Base in Magellan and the future of operations in the Bretonia-Liberty corridor should the occupation begin. In the face of this danger a complete tactical assessment of the Gallic Royal Navy must be performed. Coordinate your efforts with other assassins and perform multiple guerrilla attacks on Gallic Royal Navy while taking advantage of conducting operations on our own territory. Prepare detailed threat level descriptions, available assets, mobilization times and employed strategies. If possible, capture and interrogate officer belonging to the Gallic Royal Navy. Maximization of the enemy losses is optional.

Assassin Assignment 60: Disrupt Bundschuh operations in Liberty

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Single
Mission reward: 120 000 000 SC
Mission status: Aborted
The close association that the Bundschuh maintain with the puppet government of Liberty is something which we cannot allow to remain as it is. We believe that if the link between them is crippled, Liberty will abandon this association instead of dedicating more resources for its preservation if we also consider that the war with Rheinland is a thing of the past. Destroy 5 Bundschuh combat vessels in Liberty or in the Independent Worlds. If possible, capture and interrogate one of their senior members.

Assassin Assignment 64: Disrupt Forlorn Hope Operations

Mission level: Assassin
Mission type: Repetitive
Mission reward: 100 000 000 SC
Mission status: Aborted
Mission report: 824-08-29 AS by Norman Bates
The Professorship has recognized a growing threat posed by the Forlorn Hope. While in the beginning their sporadic attacks were only a minor nuisance, currently their active operations within Liberty have forced The Lane Hackers to significantly rise threat level of regular operations. Disrupt combat operations of the Forlorn Hope whenever possible, perform full tactical assessment of the group including threat levels, available assets, mobilization times and employed strategies. Finally, if possible, capture and interrogate mercenary working for this organization. Coordinate your efforts with other assassins while fulfilling multiple phases of this operation. Maximization of the enemy losses is optional.
